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Have fun and keep in touch!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Karis Vogel - Spring 2007

Hey Fam!

I'm still at Baptist Bible College, and I just finished my fourth semester. I'm currently planning on graduating this December with my Bachelor's in Bible (and a concentration in Communications: Writing). After graduation I hope to get a job in the area, either at BBC or the local magazine where I will be interning next semester. Then, when my current roommate graduates (a year after I do), we hope to move to San Diego...

As for this summer, I'm going home, working, teaching Sunday School and just relaxing in general. For the past month I have really been struggling with sicknesses and exhaustion, so this semester has been tough. At the same time, it has been one of the best semesters because of the growth that I have experienced and the wonderful relationships I have been able to build here. God has taught me a lot and has used BBC, my classes, and my friends here to encourage me. I love college life, but I am glad that this past semester is over, and I am looking forward to next year and the exciting things God has for me!

"My body and my heart may grow weak, but God is the strength of my heart and all I need forever." Psalm 73:26

I love you and miss you all,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is there any way we can "read" one of the BBC newspapers that you edit?
What magazine will you be interning in next semester? what is their focus?
We look forward to seeing you this summer while you're home.